OC Oerlikon

Restructuring of OC Oerlikon Optics Division with plants in Balzers (LI), Golden (US) and Shanghai (CN)


IMES took responsibility for Global Operations of Optics Division with main goal to develop and implement a worldwide restructuring program and take direct lead of big Shanghai plant with goal to make fully stand-alone business unit.


  • Develop restructuring plan for all sites: investment plan, layoff plan, pruning product portfolio
  • Evaluate different scenarios and options with final decision to divest plants in 3 countries
  • Manage technology transfer of dedicated products from Balzers and Golden plants to Shanghai factory
  • Support carve-out process of Golden plant (transition to new owner) and establish MBO for Balzers plant
  • Take over lead of plant Shanghai and establish/strengthen functions (especially R&D and marketing) to become fully independent entity
  • Lead divest process of plant Shanghai together with PWC and M&A dept of OC Oerlikon


  • Motivated management team in site Shanghai during whole divest process
  • Significant improvement of performance in operations and supply chain
  • Keep sales and key customers during difficult transition phase
  • Smooth transition from OC Oerlikon to new owner